What’s right infront of us?

Sometimes the pull to think broadly out there

Makes us disregard what’s right in front of us in our now here

Sometimes the desire for this and that to happen

Makes us overlook the details of our right now day and each choice (which all matter)

Sometimes the pull to operate at an app pace

Makes us answer another quickly or not give our full attention to ourselves or another in some way

The ever ongoing demand to think broadly and to be genuine and authentic with all we interact with

And also attend to the details of the moment right here

Can make this thinkHER feel she’s never caught up and always leaving something or someone neglected for sure

So what helps me heal this onslaught of “nothing is enough” is to be deeply incredibly honest with my heart and thought

I cannot be physically all the where’s I wish to be…

I also cannot create overnight what I want everyone to have to read…

I can’t adopt every child and offer shelter to everyone who needs a bed…

I can however pray hourly that everyone everywhere is finding the comfort she and he needs to thrive and to feel belonging and of vital significance…

I can with conviction know in my heart that the Father Mother Love neglects no one, anywhere near and far…

I can defend over and over that right motives and actions are finding their fullest expression and nothing can make anyone limit him or herself and stay content with neglecting all they are

And I can demand of myself that I stop hiding behind what’s doable and comfortable and easy and productive … and keep doing what IV ebeen doing to show up and function….

We must each expand

We must each grow

We are in fact of spiritual substance which doesn’t need to conform

We must allow

We must bud anew

No child is meant to stay limited

No adult child should ever become complacent and want to

What that means and looks like for each of us only each of us knows

Here’s to allowing ourselves expand and allow the thoughts of what and where we never thought we would be able to go….

My heart to yours…

Tre ~